How High Should Grab Bars Be Installed? ADA Requirements Reviewed
Grab bars are among the most effective and affordable accessible home modifications you can make, and they are nigh on essential for senior citizens who want to ensure their safety. Regarding the

Does Medicare Pay For Wheelchair Ramps?
Wheelchair ramps are essential assistive equipment for people who use wheelchairs. Without one, moving a wheelchair up or down stairs is not only an arduous task but can also be dangerous. In

How to Get a Free Wheelchair Guide (6 Simple Ways)
If you’ve got mobility issues but you can’t afford to buy an electric or manual wheelchair, we truly empathize with the difficult situation you’re in. Modern wheelchairs can cost a lot –

The Best Wheelchair Gloves (2024 Reviews and Analysis)
As anyone who has used a manual wheelchair will tell you, they require more self-propulsion than you would expect, especially on steep or rough terrain. If you don’t have friends or family

How Much Do Walkers Cost? (Prices of Standard, Wheeled, and Rollator Walkers)
Whether it be due to joint pains, balance problems, fatigue, or any other condition, mobility can be a significant issue for many of us as we age. Thankfully, a walker or a

What Is The Difference Between a Transport Chair and a Wheelchair?
Individuals with impaired mobility often require the use of a mobility aid to perform daily functions. These aids come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes but two of the most

Does Medicare Pay for Walkers? (2024)
Walkers are reliable mobility aids for those who need assistance with moving but don’t want to go for a wheelchair. They are a great tool for anyone that wants to maintain better

Wheelchair Accessible Vacation Destinations for the Disabled Traveler
As a wheelchair user, there are a lot of places that you are not able to go to even in your hometown, let alone in another country! Living with a disability is

Interactive Map: Beaches That Offer Free Beach Wheelchair Rentals
Beach Wheelchairs are a type of wheelchair usually equipped with large, inflated tires perfect for moving easily across sand and bumpy terrain at the seaside. Generally, they are not self-propelled, so a user

The Best Knee Scooters (2024 Reviews and Analysis)
Knee scooters, otherwise known as knee walkers, knee coasters, and orthopedic scooters, are some of those unique mobility products that you never knew you wanted until you tried them. You’d used crutches,