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Margaret Sellars

Margaret Sellars
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The Best Wheelchair Gloves (2024 Reviews and Analysis)
As anyone who has used a manual wheelchair will tell you, they require more self-propulsion than you would expect, especially on steep or rough terrain. If you don’t have friends or family to help you in that situation, your palms, wrists, and

How Much Do Walkers Cost? (Prices of Standard, Wheeled, and Rollator Walkers)
Whether it be due to joint pains, balance problems, fatigue, or any other condition, mobility can be a significant issue for many of us as we age. Thankfully, a walker or a rollator can significantly enhance your ability to get up and

What Is The Difference Between a Transport Chair and a Wheelchair?
Individuals with impaired mobility often require the use of a mobility aid to perform daily functions. These aids come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes but two of the most common are wheelchairs and transport chairs. Although they look very

Does Medicare Pay for Walkers? (2024)
Walkers are reliable mobility aids for those who need assistance with moving but don’t want to go for a wheelchair. They are a great tool for anyone that wants to maintain better balance or stability while walking, most commonly used by the

The Best Knee Scooters (2024 Reviews and Analysis)
Knee scooters, otherwise known as knee walkers, knee coasters, and orthopedic scooters, are some of those unique mobility products that you never knew you wanted until you tried them. You’d used crutches, spent time on walkers, but a knee scooter? Really? Yep.

When Do You Know it is Time to Start Using a Walking Cane?
Walking canes, when used properly, are great devices for improving balance and stability as you age, or to compensate for an injury or disability. However, it’s often difficult to work out if a walking cane is truly what you need at this

17 Best Accessories for Wheelchair Users (2024 Reviews and Analysis Catalog)
Whether you or your loved one uses a wheelchair, having a few comforts can make a noticeable difference in the long run – wheelchair accessories are often a godsend. We often forget how much of a convenience it is to have a

Find the Best Patient Lifts: Your Ultimate Buying Guide
A patient lift is simply a device that helps caregivers at nursing homes, private homes, and hospitals move patients or residents with limited mobility between chairs and beds or from sitting to standing. Patient lifts are essential as they help avoid injuries

Do You Need Crutches with a Walking Boot?
A “walking boot”, also known as an “orthopedic shoe”, is a medical shoe designed to protect the foot. They are widely used by people recovering from an injury (or surgery) to their foot or ankle. The types of injuries they are primarily used for

Used Wheelchairs For Sale? Comprehensive Guide (2024)
Are you in need of a wheelchair to improve your mobility? Perhaps you’ve recently undergone surgery or suffered an injury that temporarily limits your ability to move around. Or maybe you have a chronic mobility impairment that requires using a wheelchair regularly.